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I am Susan Shepherd, my background is in nursing, I obtained my Nursing Degree in Auckland, New Zealand where I worked for many years in Accident and Emergency departments.  


I gained a wealth of experience working with people in an acute setting, people who were at their most vulnerable and those who were experiencing an exacerbation of their mental health problems.


Many people would come to A&E for health related conditions that could be directly attributed to their stress and anxiety.  I was frustrated with the ‘band-aid’ approach to treating mental health conditions so I began to look for a complementary approach. 

When I came to live in England, I trained as a Solution Focused Hypnotherapist. I found the Clifton Practice in Brighton who are renowned for providing the Gold Standard in training. I gained the full Diploma for Solution Focused Hypnotherapy (DSFH), as well as the nationally accredited Hypnotherapy in Practice Diploma (HPD).

I still work part time as a nurse, now in an outpatient setting, it is something I love and I am very proud to be working for the NHS. However, my true passion is in helping people overcome their anxiety and depression, keeping people well in the community and helping them improve or avoid health related problems that are a direct result of their stress and anxiety.


As a trained A&E nurse I like the fact SFH is based on the latest research, that it is evidenced based and that it is a modern approach. 

I am married with two children, I'm originally from Scotland although I left there when I was very young.  I lived for almost 20 years in Luxembourg, then spent many years in New Zealand.  We left NZ at the end of 2017 and came to England to be closer to our extended family. We are now truly settled into Brighton life and love living in Sussex. 

I offer online consultations if you are not from the Brighton & Hove area, or if you are unable to attend in person appointments for other reasons.

Susan Shepherd, 


MNCH, CNCH (Reg.), AfSFH (Reg.)

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